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News — politics

A little community education

Amy Leibowitz awareness culture education identity LGBTQIA politics queer social justice tips

I thought this might be a good time to do a little bit of LGBTQIA+ education. Even those of us within the community can sometimes be unaware of what affects people with identities other than our own.

It comes up periodically that someone (or usually multiple someones) take issue with the terms different parts of the community use. I’m not going to get into a spitting contest with people over it, so I’d suggest that folks do some reading on the history of different terminology. Many of the words we know now have...

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Some thoughts on Inauguration Day

Amy Leibowitz culture current events politics

I’m not usually one to post about politics here, outside of things of specific interest to the LGBTQIA+ community. Writing queer stories is political in itself, but I’m speaking here about United States national politics.

Today, however, is different. As a queer, culturally Jewish person, there’s a significance to the end of the previous presidential administration. It’s both terrifying and exhilarating. It’s a relief to have a change in power, but it’s also quite scary to see what the other side can do. It isn’t over; we have to keep on top of...

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Who has the “right” to queer stories?

Amy Leibowitz books coming out current events links media news politics twitter writing YA literature

I’m a little late to the party on this, but I wanted to respond to the recent dust-up on social media involving some antagonistic, passive-aggressive tweets from Gaby Dunn directed at Becky Albertalli. There’s a lot to unpack here, so bear with me.

First of all, I do not agree with several of the things Dunn said in those tweets. No LGBTQIA+ person owes anyone a coming out. No one needs to be “comfy”...

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2019: A Wrap-Up

Amy Leibowitz available now awards books coming soon culture new releases politics year in review

It’s the cusp of a new decade (okay, I realize not exactly, but most people see it that way). It’s been quite a year.


It’s been rocky in the book world lately, and indeed in the world at large. We’re all feeling the strain of recent events, whether in the physical environment, the political sphere, or our workplace.

For me, books have always been my happy place. Sometimes, we just need to escape to somewhere else for a while. We need to know that the good guys will defeat the evil forces....

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Author Spotlight: Sonni de Soto

Amy Leibowitz anthology coming soon interview lesbian fiction performing arts politics queer women Sonni de Soto women who love women

With UPSTAGED! less than a week from release, I've had the pleasure of interviewing some of the authors. Up today is Sonni de Soto, an author who is knew to me. Her story in the anthology features a burlesque dancer splitting her time between her job in politics and her life on stage.

What is the hardest part of writing?

Finding the time. Even when you desperately want to be writing, there seems to always be something pulling you away from your stories: work,...

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