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News — reading list

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As we close out July, here are some of our fabulous books. Check out some of our new releases or a few old favorites.

New & Upcoming

Find our latest releases here. Be sure to come back and check out these titles that are coming soon!

Award Winners

Here are some of our books that have won literary awards. Congratulations to all our authors!


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Summer books to add to your wish list!

Amy Leibowitz a m leibowitz adrian j smith dan ackerman geonn cannon reading list summer

Ah, summer...time for fun in the sun, vacations, and (of course!) settling in with a cold drink and a good book.

Here are all our new and upcoming releases. Load up your favorite e-reader or a big bag of physical copies to take along wherever you go!


Every Time We Meet, by A.M. Leibowitz

Heidi’s life may be a complicated balancing act between work, her kids, and a messy relationship with her ex. But all that...

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