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News — writing encouragement

When Reviews Go Bad

Amy Leibowitz Blog marketing politics reviews self care social media writing writing encouragement

Reviewing is a tricky business on both sides of the coin...there's a particularly delicate balance between reviewers and authors when it comes to small presses, indie books, and niche genres.

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Target Audience

Amy Leibowitz own voices writing encouragement

This might be the most basic, important question for a writer to ask, whether spinning a yarn about mythical beasts or typing out a memoir: Who is your target audience?

"Anyone who wants to read it" is certainly a valid answer, but the difficulty there is that it might be too generic to develop either your characters or your story. Some pitfalls of this include making a book on a social issue (like police brutality or homophobia or intimate partner violence) feel like an educational tome. It can become less of...

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Post-Election Mid-NaNoWriMo Encouragement

Amy Leibowitz current events nanowrimo writing encouragement

We're halfway through NaNoWriMo, and in the U.S., we're a week out after one of the ugliest election seasons in my memory. Whether it's from word count or feeling disheartened at the election results, you're not alone.

Bear with me, I'm going to quote the Bible. Trust me, this is significant, and I'm not using it to beat anyone over the head. I'm finding encouragement anywhere I can get it, and I think you'll understand why I find this relevant to us in the author/reader/book community right now.

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